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上传人:wz_198613 2022/3/19 文件大小:223 KB




题 目 名 称:
学 院(部):
财 经 学 院 pular with people. There High-speed Railway, not only the great convenience for people's travel life, but also supports the development of regional coordination, optimizes the allocation of resources and industrial distribution, builds a high efficiency comprehensive transportation system, will help the sustainable development of economy. The interest on High-speed Railway is more and more stronger around the world. After the introduction of foreign technology, has achieved the great technological breakthroughs. In the domestic, high-speed railway has made a great development, and initially formed the technical standard system of Chinese features, also has its own unique advantages. Therefore, Chinese High-speed Railway has the ability to participate in international market competition. In recent years, with the accelerated process of economic globalization and integration, Chinese High-speed Railway, meet its own domestic market demand at the same time, quickly to abroad. High-speed Railway go abroad, however, is not going well. The Chinese High-speed Railway’s project with Burma was suspended, the "High-speed Railway for rice" project with Thailand was died, the cooperation with Mexico has been a great deal of block, Chinese High-speed Railway going out stil


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