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上传人:爱的奉献 2022/3/19 文件大小:9 KB




文档介绍:Heading: How to Use an Electric Cooker
Introductory explanation: Nowadays, the electric cooker is a common househol
Heading: How to Use an Electric Cooker
Introductory explanation: Nowadays, the electric cooker is a common household to make rice cooking more efficient and easy. People just press the button and wait about half an hour, then they can enjoy the tasty rice.
Tools or materials: an electric cooker, electricity, rice, water
Do not use metal brush or other coarse brush to wipe the inner pot, so as not to damage the inner pot.
No foreign matter is mixed between the inner pot and the electric heating plate.
Wait for about ten minutes after key switch automatically bounce to make sure the rice is outright cooked.
After using the electric cooker, unplug the power plug in time and dry the inner pot off.
Background information : None.
Sequenced instructions:
a. Clean the rice you need to cook and put the rice into the inner pot, then add the relative water into the pot. The proportion between rice and water is 1to or .
Dry the surface of the inner pot and put it on the heating plate. And make sure the rice is smooth.
Gently down the lid with hand


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