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文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 2 页

【#小学英语# 导语】英语故事会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移 第1页 /总页数 2 页

【#小学英语# 导语】英语故事会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住单词,并且不枯燥。以下是***整理的《小学三年级英语寓言故事(三篇)》,希望帮助到您。
My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much.
One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and said, ;My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?; ;Let my dogs come in and come out, of course,; Mr. Smith asked. ;But why are there two holes? One is enough!; ;But how can the big dog go through the small hole?; my uncle said.
Sometimes a clever man may make such mistakes.
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.
第2页 /总页数 2 页

Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished


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