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文档介绍:In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen as directly responsible for an organization' s success or most accurately reflects the symbolic view of management?
Managers are directly responsible for an organization
Managers have little or no responsibility for an organization
External forces are directly responsible for an organization
Employees are directly responsible for an organization
Internal constraints that restrict a managers decision options
exist within every organization
do not exist, as all managers have decision-making discretion
exist only to the extent that upper management imposes them
exist only to the extenthat followers won ' t do as they are told

In reality, managers are most accurately viewed as .
dominant over an organization ' s environment
neither helpless nor all powerful
powerless to in flue nee an orga ni zati on' s performa nee
ultimately responsible for organizational outcomes
All orga ni zati onal cultures con sist of each of the following except
shared values
Strong cultures
are found in orga ni zatio ns with high employee tur no ver
have a mini mal in flue nee on employee decisi on making
can be found in all organizations that exist
have a greater in flue nee on employees tha n do weak cultures (d)
Which of the following is _not eonsidered to be a dimension of organizational culture?
attention to detail
people orientation
purchasing policies
Which of the following dimensions of organizational culture is defined as the degree
to which an organization' s actions and decisions emphasize maintaining the status
outcome orientation
team orientation
innovation and risk taking
Sony Corporation ' focus on product innovation is an exampleof which of the follow ing dime nsions of orga ni zati onal culture?
attention to detail
people orientation
outcome orientation
aggressiveness (c)


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