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文档介绍:What is Love?
“Love is…
patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, iA —— N —— D ——
housing 有房子
understanding 有心灵相通
sharing 有分享的喜悦
buying 有钱买想要的东西
and 还有
never 绝对不
demanding 要求太高的
F ——  
A —— 
M ——   
I ——
L —— 
Y ——
Liangshanbo and zhuyingtai are the famous butterfly lovers. They love each other,But because of their families’ disagreement of marriage, they choose death, to make their love perpetual.
A love story
6000 love ladders
Fifty years ago, farmer Liu Guojiang fell in deep love with a widow Xu Chaoqing who was ten years old than Liu, which incurred gossip and could not be stood by villagers. In order to escape the unbearable pressure of the outside world, they hid themselves into the deep forests. To let Xu down the mountain safely, Liu used 50 years finishing the large project of 6000 love ladders.
Westward Journey
Once some sincere love suspended in front of me 曾经有一份真挚的爱情摆在我的面前 I didn’t cherish it 我没有珍惜 only to find myself extremely regret when it was lost 等到失去的时候才追悔莫及 The most painful thing is no more than this in this world 人世间最痛苦的事情莫过于此 If God could give me another chance, 如果上天能够给我一个重新来过的机会 I will speak three words to that girl :  I love you   我会对那个女孩子说三个字:‘我爱你’ if there is a time limit for this love 如果非要给这份爱加上一个期限 I hope it would be ten thousand year 我希望是一万年。
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre lost her parents in her childhood,so she liveed a hard life in her aunt’ chance,she meets Rochester, The man of the manor,where she works as a fall in love get through a lot of surffering,and finally ,they get married and live a happy life with love and dignity.
Go left,go right
In a rainiing day,he comes across at first sight,they leave the number to each ,the number is wet by the drops,so they are unable to find another they don’t know that they are neighbers .Finally