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强风化混合花岗岩地层中盾构...塞情况下渣土改良剂效果分析 周凯歌.pdf

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强风化混合花岗岩地层中盾构...塞情况下渣土改良剂效果分析 周凯歌.pdf

上传人:学习好资料 2022/3/22 文件大小:4.26 MB


强风化混合花岗岩地层中盾构...塞情况下渣土改良剂效果分析 周凯歌.pdf



文档介绍:网络首发时间:2022-03-08 10:37:51
引用格式 周凯 China)
Abstract: Shield tunneling in strongly-weathered granite encounters mud cake on cutterhead, water and slurry gushing,
and tunnel face instability. Therefore, the soil should be improved. The three soil conditioning methods, ., moisture
content optimization, dispersing agent injection, and foaming agent injection, are adopted to improve the strongly-
weathered granite in the Liuxiandong station-Baimang station of the Shenzhen metro line 13 using a self-developed soil-
genus interface adhesion tester. The conclusions drawn are as follows: (1) The optimization of moisture content can
effectively reduce the normal and the tangential adhesions of the soil; whereas, the dispersant and foaming agents can
only improve the tangential adhesion while increasing normal adhesion and the dispersing agent can increase the normal
adhesion with a larger amplitude. (2) The foaming agent has a better improvement effect on the tunneling speed, thrust,
torque, and tunneling specific energy of the shield. When compared with the first chamber opening, the second chamber
opening shows an improvement of up to 23% in all tunneling parameters. (3) The foaming agent cannot completely
prevent the phenomenon of


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