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人工智能和人类智能 英文演讲稿.docx

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人工智能和人类智能 英文演讲稿.docx

上传人:lajie 2022/3/22 文件大小:31 KB


人工智能和人类智能 英文演讲稿.docx



these memories, only a few part can be left as permanent important difference between human brain and computer is is a great quality that only exist in human of the innovation, human gradually invent many new productions to help human live in a better life, computer is one of these with human brain, computer can not produce emotions and thinking, it also lack computer has many good qualities that human brain don’t human brain, computer also has “memory”, but there are something has “completely permanent memory”, only give it enough power and space, computer will “memorize” everything you have is also good at calculation, like double counting, calculate the large number, deal with complex date and so human brain can also do some of these calculations, but it will spend so much time and calculation the human brain can’t is made by all kinds of materials, it don’t have feelings, so computer can work in many bad conditions without tired. 走吧:Above all, it is why human invent the no matter how advanced the artificial intelligence is, it is just is the same as toothbrush, pen instance, in terms of brushing your teeth, brush is more convenient than our hand, but you can\'t say the toothbrush is better than human’s hand: in terms of writing, pen is quicker than hands, but you can\'t say it over the is also like them, they are tools to make human’s life become more convenient.

A lot of people in the car to beat movement good in human car also in a very good fa


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