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上传人:薄荷牛奶 2022/3/22 文件大小:47 KB





【中文摘要】气候问题日益突出,使得低碳经济成为了国际社会政治、经济、外交上的焦点。低碳经济的外部性决定了国际合作是其必然选择。可是低碳经济中有关减排责任分担的争论阻碍了国际合作的推进。or climate issues. Based on the principle of fairness, they should take the lead in emission reduction, and provide developing countries with financial and technical supports. Reduction will bring about adjustment of the existing economic mode, which will spend greatly and constrain economic growth. The debate on reduction is essentially the debate of economic development space. Considering emission as the right to subsistence and development, the debate on emission-sharing has evolved into dispute between fairness and both fairness and efficiency, this paper constructs the allocation model about carbon emission with game theory ---〞A property, Two distributions〞.〞A property〞 refers to distribute global carbon emissions among countries, and define national emissions limits, making this limits as a can of

“property.〞 This is based on the Coase Theorem. Clear property rights can effectively solve the problem of inadequate supply of public goods to achieve the optimal allocation of resources. “Two distributions〞 is to allocate the carbon emissions twice to achieve the balance between fairness and efficiency. In consideration of different stages in economic development among n


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