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City in the City by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects.docx

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City in the City by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects.docx

上传人:luyinyzha 2016/12/23 文件大小:9.98 MB


City in the City by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects.docx



文档介绍:City in the City / Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 瑞典马尔默城中城来自 Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 对 gooood 的分享。 Malm ? Live 是瑞典马尔默的标志性建筑,其开放,富有表现力,动感,内部空间为城市提供多样性和亲切性的公共场所。 Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 的高级合伙人 Kristian Ahlmark 提到该建筑的设计旨在融入马尔默,因此选材,色彩和尺度均考虑城市文脉,不过,建筑设计本身却是放眼未来。 Malm ? Live is an open, expressive, dynamic building offering numerous activities within its architecture. The point of departure for the building ’s design is the modern Scandinavian architectural tradition, which focuses on clear, anisation and an accessible, open ground floor layout. The building will e a focal point and landmark in Malm ?, offering a setting in which the spirit of the city and its diversity and intimacy receive an architectonic expression. “ The idea was to create a‘ house of the city ’ incorporating the architectonic expressions of Malm ? to develop a building that will contribute to existing urban life, ” says Kristian Ahlmark, Senior Partner at schmidt hammer lassen architects. He adds, “ The context inspired our choice of materials and colours as well as the various sizes of the building ’s areas, yet the building design itself points to the future. ” Malm ? Live 位于城市运河旁,由几座高低不一的白色方体建筑组成,立面表达匀致统一。整体如同一个建筑雕塑。 Malm ? Live is situated on Universitetsholmen in Malm ?. The building consists of cubic areas that are twisted and given different sizes to match the directions and heights of buildings in the surrounding city. The facades are designed with a homogeneous expression to make position appear as one architectonic sculpture. 一道横跨运河的桥梁直达建筑主入口广场。建筑内部多样化的功能组合在一起像一个中世纪小城, 而大堂就是街道,弯曲的“街道”贯穿整个楼宇,让所有功能紧密联系。酒店大堂拥有惬意的小型聚会场所,人们可在这里欣赏运河美景。 The main entrance is found at the northern part of the building, which has a classic loggia motif facing the plaza in front. From the south, visitors enter the building directly from the promenade running along the canal. The different functions of the building anised as separate elements to resemble a small city. The lobby es the street, which


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