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UG帮助文档NXOPEN C#.doc

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UG帮助文档NXOPEN C#.doc

上传人:yzhlya 2016/12/23 文件大小:63 KB


UG帮助文档NXOPEN C#.doc


文档介绍:C#( UG) NXOPEN Create and display a dialog Private dialog dialog =().("") 显示对话框 () Alternatively, the UI Styler uses the following instead of the show function you open the dialog from the menu: 或者, UI/Styler 用以下代码实现从菜单打开的对话框的显示功能。 Dim isTopDialog AsBoolean isTopDialog =false (isTopDialog) How styler items are declared: Private changeDialog As Private changeStr0 As Private changeReal6 As How styler items are initialized: (初始化) changeDialog = ("UF_STYLER_DIALOG_INDEX", ) changeStr0=("STR_0", ringItem) changeReal6=("REAL_6",. RealItem ) Register dialog box item callback functions In order to register these callbacks, NX provides an API “ Add##Handler ”, where ## is replaced with “ Activate ”,“ Construct ”,“ Apply ” as shown in following examples. For more information on callbacks of all the dialog items, see the callback section in Dialog Item Reference . When you exit a Styler dialog box normally, the destructor callback is executed at last. Selecting Cancel or OK will invoke Cancel or OK callback first, followed by the destru