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上传人:Seiryu 2022/3/23 文件大小:27 KB




One day, the merchant heard that all his ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless and would have to med around, but there was nobody to be seen. He suddenly sniffed the air. He could smell delicious food.
A table in the dining room was laid for one, so he sat and ate a hearty supper.
He suddenly remembered his horse, and went to stable it for the night, but it had already been done, and the horse was tucking into a bag of oats.
'How strange,' thought the merchant, returning to the house. There, a bedroom had been prepared for him. He slept well, and in the morning, found all his clothes had been
cleaned, breakfast was ready and his horse was saddled.
At the front door, he turned to thank his unseen host,
but then he saw the garden. I was full of roses - roses of every different colour.
"Now I can get Beauty's present," said the merchant, and he picked a red rose.
The merchant nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a furious roar.
"Have I not been a good host? roared the voice. "I fed
you, gave you a bed for the night and stabled your horse,
and you repay me by stealing from me."
The owner of the voice then came into sight. The merchant shuddered. It was the ugliest creature he had ever seen.
"I am very sorry, " said the merchant. "I picked it for my daughter."
"If you wish to live, you must send the first living thing you see when


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