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上传人:utuhlwwue61571 2016/12/24 文件大小:100 KB




文档介绍:aiesec 自我介绍( 自我介绍 aiesec 自我介绍( 自我介绍 i ama freshman who major in international trade and economics from gdufs. the reason why i apply for this global volunteer is mainly because i hope i can broaden my horizon and do different kinds of volunteer have been interested in charity and volunteer work for a long period. soi have participated in some volunteer projects i have are earth hour hosted by wwf, a visit in primary school of poor area in guizhou province and a whip-round for students. although i haven t been reward by money, i felt truly happy and warm during the process. the process is not smooth sailing, but i think difficulties can not bee an excuse for not to doing i have an experience of exchange to uk before, which left me an ettable memory and deeper awareness of differences among countries. this is also a real motivation why i want to bea global volunteer. i believe going abroad can bring me definitely different experience which can help me to bea better one. in the meanwhile ,i can devote myself for the world developments. in terms of leaderships, i have been chosen as monitor for three years before and i have certain munication skills and strong last, i sincerely hope i can be one of aiesec global volunteers and spread my energy and love . 第二篇: aiesec 的申请表 aiesec 的申请表上,我按先后顺序申请了三个不同部门的不同职位 1. ogx(outgoing exchange): logistics coordinator


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