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Be动词用法口诀 (2).doc

上传人:nracyx 2022/3/25 文件大小:22 KB


Be动词用法口诀 (2).doc



Be有am,is,are 我(I)用am 你(you)用are is连着他(he)她(she)它(it)
我们(we)你们(you)他们(they)要用are 单数名词用is 复数形式要用are

10。 There ________(be) some water in the bottle。
Part two:
1。 I ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.
2。 The girl______ Jack’s sister。
3。 The dog _______ tall and fat。
4. The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.
5. ______ your brother in the classroom?
6。 Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home。
7. How _______ your father?
8。 Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school。
9。 Whose dress ______ this?
10。 Whose socks ______ they?
11. That ______ my red skirt。
12. Who ______ I?
13。The jeans ______ on the desk.
14. Here ______ a scarf for you.
15. Here ______ some sweaters for you。
16。 The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.
17。 This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling.
18. The two cups of milk _____ for me.
19。 Some tea ______ in the glass.
20. Gao shan’s shirt _______ over there。
21。 My sister’s name ______Nancy.
22. This ______ not Wang Fang's pencil.
23。 ______ David and Helen from England?
24. There ______ a girl in the room。
25。 There ______ some apples on the tree.
26. _______ there any kites in the classroom?
27。 _______ there any apple juice in the bottle?
28。 There _______ some bread on the plate.
29. There _______ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park。
30。 You,


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