文档介绍:The SAT.
Maketime totake thepractice test.
It'soneofthe best waysto get ready
fortheSA "Princeton."Aishapaused. "You student?"
atall. Shewanted tocurtail theconversation now,so
"I'vejustfinished afellowship," shesaid, knowing
thatthey would say onlywhatthey needed tosay Line
thatAisha would not understand whatafellowship
duringthesix hours itwould take tobraid herhair,
35was, and in the rare moment that Aisha looked
5and so she pretended notto have heard andinstead
intimidated,Ifemelufelta perverse pleasure. Yes,
broughtouther phone. Feeling reckless, she
,thesort ofplace thatAisha could only
composedan e-mailtoObinze and,without
permittingherselftoreread it,she sent itoff. Shehad
"ButI'm going back home to Nigeria," Ifemelu
writtenthatshe was moving back toNigeria and,
40added, suddenly remorseful. 'Tmgoing next week."
10 eventhough shehad ajob waiting forher, even
"Tosee the family."
thoughhercar was already ona ship bound for
"NoI'm mov