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title: the little prince
author: antoine de st-exupery
main charain that case he left his own pla and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a llighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.
traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overe with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. at that time a fox appears. the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, bees his new friend. at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

at the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own pla by bite of a snake. “it’s too far. i can not carry this body with me. it’s too heavy.” he said. he tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. at the end the author do