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Entering the NBA Draft

Yao entered the 2002 NBA Draft,and was seleted by houston rockets. 在2002年的NBA选秀中,姚明被休斯顿火箭队选中。
NBA career
Initial years (2002–2005)
From 2002, yao ming began his nba road in houston rockets
Injury-plagued seasons (2005–2022)
After missing only two games out of 246 in his first three years of NBA play, Yao endured an extended period on the inactive list in his fourth season after developing osteomyelitis([.:,ɔstiəu,maiəlaitis]) in the big toe on his left foot, and surgery was performed on the toe on December 18, he had missed 21 games until into his fifth season, Yao was injured again, this time breaking his right knee on December 23, 2006, while attempting to block a shot. And he was medically cleared to play on March 4, 2007, after missing 34 games. 在姚明的前三年的NBA竞赛的246场竞赛中,他只错过了缺席了两场,在第四个赛季中,由于他左脚大脚趾的骨髓炎的恶化,被放在了未被激活的名单中了,并且大脚趾的手术被支配在2005年12月18号进展。这样知道复原他错过了21场竞赛。而刚刚进入他的第五个赛季,也就是2006年9月23号,姚明再次受伤,这次是他在试图完成一次投篮时伤到了右膝盖。在错过了34场竞赛后的2007年3月4号被彻底治愈

On February 26, 2022, however, it was reported that Yao would miss the rest of the season with a stress fracture([.:fræktʃə]) in his left foot. He missed the 2022 NBA Playoffs, but he did not miss the 2022 Summer Olympics at Beijing, China in July 2022, Yao discussed the injury with his doctors,. After weeks of consulting, it was decided that Yao would undergo surgery in order to repair the broken bone in his left foot. He did not play the entire 202


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