文档介绍:浅析英语中的性别歧视现象的论文[abstract] language plays an important role in society. asa phenomenon of society, language reflects all the sides of human society naturally. sexism isa phenomenon that takes a male-as-norm attitude, trivializing, insulting or rendering en invisible. asa special social phenomenon, sexism is inevitably reflected through start in the english language. in nature, sexism in language reflects sexism in society. the t in english tell the relationship betenon of sexism in language and essence of sexism in society. then the thesis analyses sexism in terms of the generic masculine, antic derogation of en in greater detail. finally, a large part of the thesis is contributed to ho in english. the author of the thesis thinks the key to the problem is: (1) solve the problem of generic pronouns; (2) neutralize lexis; (3) strive for balanced naming and addressing system; (4) coin neination of linguistic sexism lies in social change. only by changing the social structure, that is, en and men o; english language; lexical neutralization; feminism [摘要] 语言在社会中所处的地位尤为重要。 ent of human society, language isa kind of social phenomenon and reflects all the sides of human society naturally. its existence and development are closely linked an beings and toa great extent are affected by their social viean-oriented and man-centered. en, regarded asa inated for a long time pletely