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上传人:幸福人生 2022/3/30 文件大小:4.10 MB





1、 去其躁,戒其骄,求其变,善其正,卓尔不群。
2、 干就干精品,争就争第一;
3、 世界上没有完美的人,只有完美的风格
great things about principles, small speaking style
12. 以人为本,心德为先 it is with the person this, the hearts first
13. 海纳百川,厚积薄发all rivers run into sea, well-grounded
14. 没有最好,只有更好 there is no best, only better
15. 要有好的灌溉,才有好的成果
to have a good irrigation, just have good results
16. 和传统的昨天告别,向规范的未来迈进
to have a good irrigation, just have good results
17. 为自己养成一个好****惯,给别人留下一个好印象
for themselves to develop a good habit, give other people make a good impression
18. 科技是第一生产力,人才是第一资源
science and technology is the first productive force, the people are the first resource
19. 塑造人的品质,建立管理根基
shaping the quality, establish management foundation
20. 有一分耕耘,就有一分收获 have no pains, no gains
21. 您的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌
22. 团结一条心,石头变成金unity of a mind, stone into gold
23. 多点沟通,少点抱怨;多点理解,少点争执
24. 不要小看自己,人有无限可能
dont look down on yourself, people have infinite possibility
25. 因为有我,所以会更好 because of me, so will be better
26. 态度决定一切,细节决定成败
attitude decides everything, detail decides success or failure
27. 只有勇于承担责任,才能承担更大的责任
only dare to take responsibility, can take more responsibility
28. 自我提升,良性竞争;相互欣赏,相互支持
29. 强化竞争意识,营造团队精神
30. 追求客户满意,是你我的责任
pursuit of customer satisfaction, is you my responsibility
31. 只有不完美的产品,没有挑剔的客户
only not perfect products, no captious customers
32. 培育礼仪员工,创造团队精神
cultivation manners employees, create the team spirit
33. 每天进一步,踏上成功路
further every day, success on the way
34. 宁可因高目标而脖子硬,也不要为低目标而驼背
because of high goals and neck rather than hard, and do not be low target and stoop
35. 转变观念转变作风,让企业文化生生不息
change the idea transformation attitude, let enterprise culture endless
36. 没有执着力,就没有竞争力
37. 杜绝不良思想,发扬优质精神
stop bad ideas, to carry forward the spirit of high quality
38. 会而不议 议而不决 决而不行 这样的会议是属最浪费的行动 will not negotiate discuss without decisions made and no such a conference is t