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上传人:nracyx 2022/3/31 文件大小:121 KB





第一部分:听力理解(略) (共24分)
第二部分:语言知识运用 (共27分)
从以下各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最正确选项_______ when the accident happened.
A。 what I was doing B。 what was I doing(精品文档请下载)
C。 what I am doing D。 what am I doing(精品文档请下载)
Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers, Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter, and their guide, Gavin Jones. The police said that they had ____36___during an adventure (冒险) tour of Cape York Peninsula。(精品文档请下载)
This was the second day of the search and the police were now very worried about the ___37___ of the missing people.(精品文档请下载)
The police said that the search had covered a ___38___ area, but the rainforest was thick and their work was made harder by the recent rain。 Later on Chief Officer, Roger Fleet, said, “The travelers had a ___39___ with them. If they had been in trouble, they would have called us.”
The three travelers left Cooktown very early on Saturday morning in a Toyota car。 They took a small dirt road that ___40____ down to the Daintree River, a ___41___ river full of crocodiles。 Roger Fleet said the tourists wouldn't have ___42____trouble if they had stayed on the main road.(精品文档请下载)
A photo of Vicky and Tom was ___43____ by a policeman under the “Be Careful about crocodiles” sign near the river. Why was the photo left behind? This is just one of the unanswered questions。 ___44____ questions are: Why was the photo left behind? Why was the Toyota parked and locked at the edge of the rainforest? The police said that the travelers had ___45____ a map of the area behind。 Why? Why had someone drawn a cross on the point ___46___the car is? Is this a sign? What does it mean? If anyone can give ___47___ or has seen these three young people, contact the local police in Cooktown. 297
36. A。 failed B. disappeare


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