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上传人:羹羹 2022/3/31 文件大小:32 KB





   From May to May,

   Every household soaks rice.
   A call came from reed leaves wrapped in zongzi.
   Put big red dates inside.
   A gourd is hung on the upper threshold.
   Put mugwort on the lower threshold.
   The fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth lunar month is the traditional festival of our country - Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanyang Festival. Dragon Boat Festival also has many nicknames: Dragon Boat Festival, Daughter Festival, Afternoon Festival, May Festival, Ai Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Heavy Festival, Summer Festival, Mid - Day Festival, Bathing Orchid Festival, Qu Yuan Day, Poet Festival, etc.
   Midsummer may is busy. May is one of the heaviest months of agricultural labor in traditional China, but there is a major festival in this busiest time. The coming Dragon Boat Festival, the end, the beginning and the end. The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth. The ancient Chinese characters Wu and Wu are common, so the Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of every May in the summer calendar. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival should be the Summer Solstice Festival of ancient China. In ancient times, summer solstice ( Kun day ) and winter solstice ( dry day ) were the two major festivals of the year. Visible this days grand.

   Due to Chinas vast territory, numerous nationalities and many stories and legends, the Dragon Boat Festival has not only produced many different festival names, but also different customs around the country. The main contents are: daughters return to her family, hanging Zh