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ar, a plum, a strawberry, and an orange. On Monday, the caterpillar ate through one apple from morning till night. POP! He came out of the apple. But he was still

  hungry, very hungry. (教授周一的单词,并板书,请学生用英语回答周一毛毛虫吃了多少食物。)Hi, kids! Where is the caterpillar! It’s gone! Everybody says, “Caterpillar, caterpillar, where are you?”
  “Caterpillar, caterpillar, here I am!“(老师和学生一起说Chant,一起呼喊毛毛虫,并引导学生们用他们的手指当做毛毛虫,选择一位学生到台前讲手指放入书的洞中,咬一口,并且发出POP的一声)
  3)From Tuesday to Friday, how much foods did the caterpillar eat? Let’s read.
  On Tuesday, the caterpillar ate through two pears. But he was still hungry.
  On Wednesday, the caterpillar ate through three plums. But he was still hungry.
  On Thursday, the caterpillar ate through four strawberr
  ies. But he was still hungry.

  On Friday, the caterpillar ate through five oranges. But he was still hungry.(引导学生说出各种水果的名字,并重点教授周二到周五的单词。)
  4)On Saturday, the caterpillar started to eat some snacks. He ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. But that night he had a stomachache!(老师引导学生用英语回答:毛毛虫在周六吃的跟前面几天不一样了,有什么不一样?都有哪些食物?并重点教授周六的单词。)
  5)He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out
  and….He was a butterfly, a beautiful butterfly!(老师引导学生通过绘本中的图片猜出最终毛毛虫化茧成什么了?)
  3. 观赏绘本。
  老师在让学生们自我观赏绘本的同时,夸张地跟着故事情节,引导学生说出本故事的单词,如7 days a week, fruits (apple, pear, plum, strawberry, orange, watermelon)


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