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文档介绍:Project Two Ritual PR Writing Task 2 Notice of Meeting Capability Goal ? After the lesson students can write the notice of meeting for some occasions, for example, theirs is a board meeting to be held. 2 Knowledge Goal ? After the lesson students can be familiar with the basic words, useful expressions and correct format and elements of notice of meeting. 3 Leading case ?【 Case Background 】? Notice of meeting is a superior to next the class, organization make all the arrangements a work , pany makes all arrangements a work to the employee, inform an affair, or convene a meeting use of a kind of literary style. For example, a second-quarter budget review is scheduled; a notice of meeting should be used. 4 Leading case ?【 Practical Task 】? If you were the secretary, have you ever known what are the elements in such a notice of meeting? ? Can you imagine what other occasions the notice of meeting can be used? ? Can you write a notice for the secretary within 20 minutes ? The letter should not be less than 50 words. 5 Task analysis ? How to Write Notice of Meeting ? The notice of meeting can be divided into 2types: namely written notice and oral communication notice. ? Be notified of the unit or person generally use the third person singular ; but if take form of address language, then use the second person singular to mean to be notified of object ; the oral communication notifies mon use the second person singular. While involving request or regulation also mon use the second person singular 6 Task analysis ? STEP ONE ? The notice of meeting is to rottenly and formally announce or the public notice is usually to paste up in the attractive position mad use more notice to mark. For the sake of refreshing rise to see, sign of each letter of alphabet can be used capital letter NOTICE and often write in the body above exact center position. After marking can with serial number, can also not serial number. 7 Task analysis ? ST


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