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2015-2016学年江苏新沂二中高二英语教案:Unit4 Task(牛津译林版选修8) Word版无答案.doc

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2015-2016学年江苏新沂二中高二英语教案:Unit4 Task(牛津译林版选修8) Word版无答案.doc

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2015-2016学年江苏新沂二中高二英语教案:Unit4 Task(牛津译林版选修8) Word版无答案.doc


文档介绍:新沂市第二中学高二英语集体备课主备人: 用案人: 授课时间: ____________ 第课时课题 M8 U4 Task 课型 New 教学目标 get students to learn to write a speech about the film industry 重点 get students to learn to write a speech about the film industry 难点 1. to get students to learn to write a speech about the film industry 教法及教具 A recorder, a projector and some slides . 教学过程教学内容个案调整教师主导活动学生主体活动 Step 1 Lead in What should you do when you take a quiz? What steps do you usually take to make sure that you answer the questions correctly? Film quiz Listen to this radio programe and try to find as much information as you can. 1. What are the Lumi è re brothers often considered? 2. What did Auguste Lumi è re say about cinema? 3. When we watch a film, what are we actually seeing? 4. Which city was the first film made in? 5. What are the differences between old and modern films. 6. What is the largest amount of money ever made bya silent film? 7. What isa studio? 8. Where did the e from during silent films? 9. What was the title of the first full-length “ talking film ”? 10. What was the title of the first color film? Step 2 Listening Now let ’s listen to another radio programe in Part B and try to use the information you hear to answer questions on the quiz. Listening for emphasis In the grammar and usage section, we learnt how to emphasize some parts of sentences by adding some words or using certain sentence structures. A