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英语名著读书笔记 Forrest Gump(读书笔记).docx

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英语名著读书笔记 Forrest Gump(读书笔记).docx

上传人:你的晚安吻 2022/4/2 文件大小:22 KB


英语名著读书笔记 Forrest Gump(读书笔记).docx


英语名著读书笔记 Forrest Gump
  "mom always said life is just like a box of chocoles. youll never know what you gonna get."
英语名著读书笔记 Forrest Gump
  "mom always said life is just like a box of chocoles. youll never know what you gonna get."
  ever find the grind of life getting you down? is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? if so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook. passionate and magical, forrest gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. for those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.
  forrest gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower iq and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything. but, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
  in the contention of the best picture of the 67th oscar award in 1995, film have got six grand prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . the film was passed

to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of life, importan