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文档介绍:毕业设计(论文)报告纸共36页第1页┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊摘要随着公路建设的发展及管理现代化,以及城市路面和广场环卫管理现代化的需要,路面清扫车的应用俞来愈广。其作用是将道路或广场地面上的垃圾,灰尘吸取并存储于车辆集尘箱内,便于集中倾卸到垃圾集中点,已达到清洁地(路)面的目的。传统的扫路车尾气污染和噪音污染相对来说较大。随着国家对环保要求越来越高,人们的环保意识普遍增强,现有清扫车就将很难适应需要。因此开发环保型路面清扫车已是大势所趋。环保型清扫车采用电机驱动替代使用柴油的副发动机驱动,降低能耗、降低机械故障率、减少了环境污染电动清扫车是一种结构简单,清洁环保的清扫工具,作为环卫设备之一,是一种集路面清扫、,对主要设计参数进行了研究。其中主要是对电动清扫车相对传统清扫车的优点进行分析。然后进行了总体设计计算,其中主要是传动系统的设计。关键词:总体设计,电动清扫车,驱动方案 ABSTRACT 毕业设计(论文)报告纸共36页第2页┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊ With the development ofhighway construction ,modernization of management, and the needs ofmodern management ofsquares sanitation and urban roads, the application ofpavement sweeper ing increasingly wide. It inhale sthe ground garbage ofsquares and roads,and stores them within the dust-collection box toclean the city gas pollution and noise pollution oftraditional sweeper isrelatively serious .Asthe stste ’s increasing lyhigh demands for environmental protection,people's awareness of environmental protection isgenerally enhanced .The existing sweeper will be difficult tomeet requirements. Therefore, development ofenvironmentally friendly road sweeper isthe general trend. Environmentally friendly road sweaper use electric motor instead ofdiesel engines todrive itself. Consequently ,itreduc esenergy consumption, and reduce sthe mechanical failure rate, reduc esenvironmental pollution Electric Sweeper isasimple, clean and environmentally friendly cleaning one ofsanitation -protection equipment, garbage collection and transportation asone ofthe new and efficient cleaning equipment. This paper analyzes the sweeper ofthe main structure ofthe The main design parameters were studied. Mainly for electric sweeper sweeper advantages relative to traditional analysis. Then the overall design calculations, mainly transmission design .Keyword: Overall design ,Electric sweeper ,Driver program 毕业设计(论文)报告纸共36页第3页┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊目录


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