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文档介绍:罗远芬 林巧稚(1901-1983 年),现代妇产科专家。福建厦门人。 1913 年就读于厦门女子师范学校; 1919 年毕业后留校任教。 1921 年考入北京协和医学校, 1929 年毕业,获博士学位,受聘于北京协和医院,任妇产科助理住院医师。 1931 年任该院妇产科助教。 1932 年赴英国曼彻斯特医学院和伦敦妇产科医院进修。 1933 年前往奥地利维也纳进行医学考察。 1935 年在北京协和医院妇产科任讲师,一年后升任副教授。 1939 年前往美国芝加哥大学医学院妇产科进修。 1940 年回国, 任北京协和医院妇产科主任,是该院第一位中国籍女主任,同年并受聘为美国“自然科学荣誉委员会”会员; 1942 年协和医院为日本军队侵占, 林巧稚遂离医院自行开业同时兼任北京中和医院(现人民医院)妇产科主任。 1946 年兼任北京大学医学院教授。 1948 年协和医院复办,她又回到该院任妇产科主任。建国后一直在该院任原职。 1959 年兼任北京妇产医院院长和中国医学科学院副院长。 Listen & answer the questions Q1. Which period did Lin Qiaozhi live in? She lived in the early 20 th century? Q2. True or false: After reading about Lin Qiaozhi , the writer was moved by what she did , so she decided to study medicine. T Careful Reading Q1. From , what can we infer( 推断)? A. The writer ’ s homework was to change her life. B. The writer liked biology and chemistry. C. The writer was a middle school student. D. The writer was studying at university. Para1 Q. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book? A. It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. B. She wanted to make money. C. It was intended for women who lived in the countryside and could not reach a doctor. D. Both A and C. para2 the birth rate Para. 3 Q1. Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Why? Q2. What made Lin Qiaozhi famous? No, it wasn ’ t. Because at that time women ’ s education was always placed second to men ’ s. It was not her ess at university that had made her famous. It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients. Scanning: Write down three of Lin Qiaozhi ’ s achievements after reading the passage. got a medical training for her career . became a specialist in women diseases . . 3. She had made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for ________ in the ___________who were ____ _____ ____ get to a hospital easi


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