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文档介绍:本科毕业论文(设计) 题目塑料簸箕模具设计学院工学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化班级 12 机制本 4班学号 121010100404 学生姓名陈喜平指导教师张宏林完成日期 西安思源学院教务处制二〇一六年五月摘要本文是对塑料簸箕进行模具设计,首先分析塑件所用塑料硬聚***乙烯(HPVC ) 的工艺特性和成型特性以及塑料簸箕结构工艺性。同时,利用 Pro/e 软件计算出塑件、浇注系统的体积和质量,根据塑件、浇注系统的体积和质量的估算,选定注塑机型号为XS-ZY -1000; 还根据塑件选定模架;并对注射机和模架的相关参数进行校核(如最大注射量、锁模力、最大注射压力、开模行程等);根据塑料簸箕结构特征,分型面应选择在塑件的最大截面处;再然后是对浇注系统的设计以及导向机构的设计; 推出机构根据塑件形状采用推杆推出,并对其推出力进行校核;为了使塑件快速冷却成型,还设计了冷却系统,冷却系统设置便于塑件的推出;最后进行模具的装配设计。关键词: 塑料簸箕模具分型面装配 ABSTR CT Plastic molding products are plastic as the main structural material. The pr ocessing of to as the plastic molding products are widely in the electronic instrument electrical equipment ,commun ication tools ,etc to obtain a large number of applications . such as all kinds of stress are shell stents structure process equipment as the main production of plastic products of plastic mold .occupies an important positionin national economy mould technology has also e to measure a national pro duct manufacture level of important molding plastic molding is an important method .it is mainly suitable for thermoplastic molding .and canbe plicated shape of precision plastic forming parts is the adsl surface hella a design model .This paper will be injection mold related knowledge as thebasi overall design process of plastic injection mould are expounded. Design the content of this article is shell of plastic injection mould ,materi als for HPVC .According to the shape of the structure characteristics and throu ghthe analysis of the right across the shell molding process,determine the overal l distribution of cavity choose the parting surface determine the demoulding wa y .The design of gating system,etc. Keywords : Plastic mold ; injection molding ; the parting surface 1 目录第一章前言.................................................................................................. 2 我国模具行业的发展方向和前景...................................................... 2