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文档介绍:Module 8 Unit 1We are going to visit Hainan. Let ’ s say and do the actions Boat, boat, row a boat. Chess, chess, play chess. Pictures, picture, take pictures. Dumplings, dumplings, make dumplings. Words and Expression children , tomorrow, from China, swim, sea, bedtime Visit, by plane, get up Be going to( 将要……) 讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情 I’m going to go to Hainan. (我将要去海南) We are going to go to Hainan. (Beijing Hong Kong Qingdao ) by plane 乘坐飞机 I’ m going to go by plane. 我将要乘坐飞机去 We ’ re going to go by plane. 我们将要乘坐飞机去 by bus, by train, by sea get up 起床 We ’ re going to get up at 5 o ’ clock. 我们将在 5点整起床。 I’ m going to swim in the sea. I ’ m going to visit my grandpa. We ’ re going to swim in the sea. Complete the sentences swim in the sea . I’ m going to{ 在大海里游泳。 visit my grandpa. 去看望我爷爷。 be from 来自 China. I’ m from { 中国 England. 英国 Examples: I’ m/We ’ re going to go to Hainan. We ’ re going to go by plane. We ’ re going to get up at 5 o ’ clock. I’ m/We ’ re going to swim in the sea. I’ m from England.