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上传人:经典书馆 2017/1/23 文件大小:46 KB




文档介绍:英语作文带翻译 100 字 King Carl was the most famous king inthe world. Hewas famous because hespoke toeverybody nicely. Hewas famous because he thought more carefully than anyone else. Hewas also very famous because his daughter wsa the most beautiful girl inthe country. Princess Cynthia was very attractive. Some people said the sun and moon came out early into the sky tosee her smile. One day, Princess Cynthia asked her father tohelp her find agood husband. King Carl happily told everyone hewas looking for ahusband for his daughter. Soon, many men wanted tomarry Cynthia, and the king said, “lfyou marry Princess Cynthia, you must bethe smartest man inthe country. You must think more carefully, more cleverly, and more quickly than anyone else. All ofyou must take the triangle test tomorrow. ” The next day, there were hundreds ofmen atthe king ’scastle. The king said loudlyl, Make four triangles from these six sticks. You cannot cut the sticks. Many people tried tomake the four triangles. Noone could doit. Some people tried carefully, others tried carelessiy; some tried quickly, others tried slowly. 本篇文章来自资料管理下载。 Some made one triangle and others made two, but noone could make four triangle. The princess smiled happily when each man tried. She frowned sadly when each man failde. The king was walking angrily because noone could pass the test. The last man was apoor student. His name was Br


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