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文档介绍:Like about their best friends Molly Peter likes to do the same things. Mary What do Molly and Mary like about their best friends? Fill in the first column of the chart. 1c Lisa is a good listener. He is popular, and good at sports. 1d Listen again. How are Molly and Mary the same as and different from their best friends? Complete the rest of the chart in 1c. The same as their best friends Molly Mary They ’ re both tall. They are both (pretty) outgoing. They look similar. They both have long, curly hair. 1. What is a friend like according to Jeff's mum? 2. Do we need a lot of friends? Why? 3. Is it necessary to be the same as your friends? 4. Are Larry's grades better? 5. What is a true friend in terms of the third paragraph? 6. How can I know Carol cares about me? 2b a. has cool clothes. d. is good at sports. f. makes me laugh. b. is talented in music. What kinds of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below [1-7] (1 is the most important.) g. is a good listener. e. truly cares about me. c. likes to do the same things as me. 1a A good friend … A: I think a good friend makes me laugh. B: For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C: Yes, and a good friend is talented in music, too. D: That ’ s not important for me … Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. 1b Friends are like books — you don ’ t need a lot of them. It’ s not necessary to be the same. My best friend is quite different from me. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. Mary Smith Huang Lei Jeff Green