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文档介绍:《经贸报刊选读》 2 / 4
I. Translate the following passages into Chinese. 英译中
(1) Why has import growth over thepensive consumer-finance industry and even prompted regulators to dole out numerical targets to the megabanks for growing the proportion of their loans to SMEs--not exactly a market solution to financing needs. The equity markets are not much better off. The infrastructure issues of the various exchanges (system breakdown, reputation issues with newly listed companies, etc.) are well. Tokyo has also been unable to keep up with London in capturing listings from rapidly-developing economies, such as China and Russia.
(4) It was not always so. Microsoft bumbled for years after entering China in 1992, and its business was a disaster there for a decade. It finally figured out that almost none of the basic precepts that led to its success in the US and Europe made sense in China. There Microsoft had to become the un-Microsoft -- pricing at rock bottom instead of charging hundreds of dollars for its Windows operating system and Office applications; abandoning the centerpiece of its public-policy approach elsewhere, the protection of its intellectual property at all costs; and closely partnering with the government instead of fighting it as in the US, a stance that has opened the company to criticism from human fights groups.
(5) The fear of firing is particularly a