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文档介绍:HUNAN UNIVERSITY 外国语与国际教育学院翻译学概论课程学期论文论文题目: 浅谈庞德中国古诗翻译研究 A RESEARCH: EZRA POUND ’S TRANSLATION OF CHINESE ANCIENT POETRY 学生姓名: 丁雯瑶学生学号: 20111301525 专业班级: 英语五班任课老师: 朱健平 20 13年 12月 29日浅谈庞德中国古诗翻译研究摘要:美国大诗人、翻译家庞德, 在几乎不懂中文的情况下, 根据费氏遗稿中的中国古典诗笔记翻译而成的《华夏集》震撼了伦敦诗坛,随后他还翻译了一系列的中国儒家经典,如《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》等。而他对中国文化及语言的误读误译以及创作型的改写等,让人们对他的译作也是褒贬不一,但庞德的译作对中国诗歌和儒家经典在西方世界的传播的确起到了极大的作用,不容忽视。由此,在前人的探索基础上,本文从庞德的诗学观和翻译理论入手,分析庞德中国古典诗歌翻译的忠实性和等效性,对庞德诗歌翻译实践意义做出总结。关键词: 庞德;翻译理论;忠实;等效;诗歌 A Research: Ezra Pound ’s Translation of Chinese Ancient Poetry Abstract: Ezra Pound was a great American poet and translator. Having little knowledge of Chinese, Pound translated many Ernest Francisco Fenollosa ’s notes of Chinese classical poems into English, Cathay, which made him famous in London ’s poetry. And then he translated a lotof Confucian works, such as The Great Learning, The Doctrine of Mean, The Analects, etc. His misunderstandings about Chinese culture, wrong translation about Chinese and creative rewriting of Chinese works, all these make people pass different judgments on his translation works. But it is true that his works make a great difference on the spread of Chinese poetry and Confucianism works to western world. Therefore, based on the formers ’ researches on Pound ’s translation, first, this article deals with Pound ’s poetic view and translation theory, and then analyzes his works ’ faithfulness and