several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of ac决算。
several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-2~3 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a,, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measured
several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-2~3 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a,, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measured3
several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-2~3 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a,, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measured
第三条 竣工财务决算工作实行统一管理、分级负责。竣工财务决算工作应做到程序标准、及时高效、数据准确、管理严格。
第四条 经批复的竣工财务决算是确认投资支出、资产价值及办理资产移交和投资核销的最终依据。
第五条 竣工财务决算相关资料应按国家相关要求,整理归档,永久保存。
第二章 管理职责与权限
第六条 水利部统一负责竣工财务决算管理工作。主要职责包括:
1. 研究拟订竣工财务决算管理制度。
2. 负责组织权限范围内竣工财务决算的审查、审计和审核审批。
3. 负责组织审核报财政部审批的竣工财务决算。
4. 指导、监督竣工财务决算管理工作