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文档介绍:Journalistic Euphemism 新闻常用委婉语? 1. 构词手段? 2. 总目的? 3. 分类? 4. 新闻中的委婉语 Journalistic Euphemism Euphemism eu- : good -phemism: speech word of good omen Purposes of euphemism (1 )Altruism ? make others fortable about the truth or words we used stupid a bit of slow cheat in the exam need help lazy should devote more diligently trash collector sanitation engineer gardener landscape architect servant domestic engineer (2) U rbanize ? make the word more elegant ? Last week it introduced … toa lovely young woman named Mazarine who is, according to journalist and author Philippe Alexdre , Mitterand's 20-year-old enfant d'amour. ? enfant d'amour private daughter (3) Self-regard ? mistiness the concept of the given words to avoid conflict ? at war or attack ? disarm Iraq or preemptive action ? According to the New York Times in 1973, American government has establish a document, which required the press to replace poverty of low-e. That is the reason why the press is full of the devious words such as needy, underprivileged, and disadvantage. Effects of euphemism 一是避免刺激,给人以安慰; 二是消除粗俗,给人以文雅; 三是摒弃陈腐,给人以新颖。善于委婉,这是心灵美、修养高的表现。 Types of euphemism ? 1)traditional euphemisms 传统委婉语?与禁忌语密切相关的。象生、病、死、葬、性、裸、拉、撒等禁忌事物, 如果直接表达,那就是禁忌语,给人的感觉是粗鄙,生硬,刺耳,无礼? 2) stylistic euphemism s文体委婉语?实际上是恭维话、溢美之词,为了表示礼貌,为了避免刺激,或是为了争取合作,对一些令人不快的事物以美言相称 How to use euphemism 1) Word-coinage device 构词手段 2) Spelling device 拼写手段 3)