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Mr. Henry Lowell
Sales Representative
Happy Hearts Cards, Inc.
726 John Hopkins Road
Baltimore, MD 28839
Dear Mr. Lowell,
Thank you for arranging for us to receive our Valentine's Day card displays a bit early this year. We installed them as soon as they arrived on Monday, and we've already sold out three lines!
The three weeks between now and Valentine's seem destined to be busy, and I suspect you'll be hearing from us again soon.
Best wishes,
Dear Mr. Peterson,
We are sorry that the model 78c handsaws you purchased have not lived up to your expectations. Frankly, we are surprised that they have proved so fragile and appreciate your returning them to us. Our lab people are already at work trying to discover the source of the problem.
We are glad to assume the shipping costs you incurred. But may we suggest that, instead of a refund, you apply the price of these saws to the cost of an order of model 68c saws. Your own experience will bear out their reliability, and we are sure your customers will be pleased with an Forever-Sharp Product.
If you will drop us a line accepting the shipment, your 68c handsaws will be on their way within the week.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Dr. Peters,
On the afternoon of October 9, my neighbor's daughter, Susan Oslo, was raking leaves in her family's yard when she tripped and fell. From the degree of pain she was obviously ex


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