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文档介绍:2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 2 / 12
鲁迅先生说:“浪omebody like to study in the morning, and relax in the the contrary, somebody like to relax in the morning, and study in the even think the best time to study is in the ways for different all the ways have one thing in common.
2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 4 / 12
That is the need for practical action. If you want to change a difficult situation, if you want to change yourself, if you want to make good use of time to study, you must put into not, your plan will be not meaningful.
So dear fiends, please treasure every minutes of your life. Only like this will you have an excellent future. Thank you very much.
篇二:英语演讲稿珍惜时间 My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. this, he said, is not a slip. this is lingerie. he discarded the tissue and handed me the slip.
It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. the price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached.
Jan bought this the first time we went to new york, at least 8 or 9 years ago. she never wore it. she was saving it for a special occasion.
Well, i guess this is the occasion.
He took the slip from me and put it on the bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician. his hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me, dont ever save anything for a special occasion. every day you re alive is a special occasion.
2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 4 / 12
I remembered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when i helped him and my niece attend to all the sad chores that follow an unexpected death. i thought about them on the plane returning