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狭窄的胡同,宽广的胸怀 王小波.pdf

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狭窄的胡同,宽广的胸怀 王小波.pdf

上传人:学习的一点 2022/4/13 文件大小:1.09 MB


狭窄的胡同,宽广的胸怀 王小波.pdf


Narrow alley, broadd on Nov. 12.
Among all the valuable historical sites in the city, the narrow alley is one of the most
renowned attractions. It serves as enlightenment, inspiring people to observe public
morals and cherish harmony, especially in disputes and conflicts.
Many locals still live in tiny houses next to each other and share walls with their
neighbors. Inevitable problems like noise and division of responsibility when it comes to
a broken wall are commonplaces.
Zhang Yun, Party Secretary of Liuchixiang Community, also a descendant of Zhang
Ying, has drawn on his ancestor's wisdom in mediating such daily disputes. “A good
neighbor is better than a brother far away. I always cite the ancient story of my ancestor
to persuade them to make compromises for each other,” said Zhang Yun.
1. Which word best describes Zhang Ying's way to deal with the problem?
A. Wise.
B. Clumsy.
C. Humorous.
D. Puzzling.
2. What does the underlined word “concession” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Joke.
B. Fortune.
C. Compromise.
D. Difference.
18 Crazy English
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph about Zhang Yun?
A. He is a descendant of Emperor Kangxi.
B. He often talks with his neig


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