文档介绍:第3卷第2期城市交通 2005 牟5月 URBAN TRANSPORT OF CHINA May 2005 【文章编号] 1672 5328 ( 2005 ) 02 0037 06 成都市二环路改造规划的研究方涪郑连舅社震(成都市规划设计研究院, 成都 610081) 【摘要] 《成都市二环路改造规划研究》在同类工作中有 4 个创新: 理念创新、研究方式创新、评价体系创新和公交方式创新。采用了目标体系研究、专题研究、方案研究及成果研究四段式的研究方式, 其中, 目标体系研究锁定二环路改造的 4类 18 项目标并给出权重; 专题研究确定了 6 个基础性的研究课题; 方案研究中根据通行能力、车速、公交等方面的差异划分了 3 类方案, 进行技术经济、社会效益全面比选评价; 成果研究则对选定方案进行优化、深化及完善。评价方法采用了居民意愿调查、本地各部门对方案的评价及打分、方案技术比较、方案社会经济效益综合比较、专家评价及打分和行政决策。【关键词] 环路改造; 目标体系; 方案比选【中图分类号] U491 【文献标识码] A ZHENG Lianyong , DU Zhen (Chengdu Institute of Urban PLanning & Design , Chengdu 610081 , China ) The Study for Chengdu 2nd Ring Road Reconstruction PLanning , compared With the simiLar projects , has four innovations Which are mainLy in pLanning concept , research method , evaLuation method and introduction of Bus Rapid Transit ( BRT ). The research methodoLogy has four-step process : study for goaLs system , speciaL topics , draft pLanning and finaL pLanning . The goaL system research Locks goaLs in four sorts and eighteen sub-sorts and gives aLL factors different Weights to evaLuate . The research for speciaL topics covers six foundationaL subjects in finaL reports . During the process of draft pLanning , according to road capacity , the vehicLe speed and pubLic transportation system , three sorts of draft pLans Were received , Which had pared not onLy based on the technicaL standard , but aLso on project cost and sociaL benefit baLance . In the finaL pLanning the best draft pLan had been deepen and optimized . Besides , the evaLuation method incLudes the citizen investigation , consuLtation to LocaL executive departments , expert evaLuation and Weighting and administrative decisions . ring road reconstruction ; goaLs system ; project seLect 《成都市二环路改造规划研究》是成都市迄今最大、最深入的一项城市道路规划研究工作, 为此组成了多单位的联合编制组, 建立每周例会制度。该工作由前期准备、交通调查、调研、目标研究、专题研究、方案研究、成果研究等阶段组成。在四川省科技厅组织成果评审会上, 海内外专家对该成果在研究理念、研究方洁、评价方洁的创新及工作的完整性和深度方面给予了高度评价。收稿日期: 2004-11-30 作者简介: 郑连勇( 1955 一),男,成都市规划设计研究院副总工程师,教授级高工,注册城市规划师,中国城市交通规划学术委负会理事。 E