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文档介绍:中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法(英文版) Maritime Procedure Law of The People ’s Republic of China CONTENTS CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES CHAPTER II JURISDICTION CHAPTER III PRESERVATION OF MARITIME CLAIMS Section 1 General Provisions Section 2 Arrest and Auction of Ships Section 3 Attachment 扣押 and Auction of Cargo Carried by Ships CHAPTER IV MARITIME INJUNCTION CHAFFER V PRESERVATION OF MARITIME EVIDENCE CHAPTER VI MARITIME SECURITY CHAPTER VII SERVICE CHAPTER VIII TRIAL PROCEDURES Section 1 Provisions for Trial of Collision Cases Section 2 Provisions for Trial of General Average Cases Section 3 Provisions for Exercising the Right of Subrogation by Marine Insurers Section 4 Summary Procedure, procedure for Exhortation and Procedure for Public Interpellation CHAPTER IX PROCEDURE FOR CONSTITUTION OF LIMITATION FUND FOR MARITIME CIAIMS CHAPTER X PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION AND SATISFACTION OF CLAIMS CHAPTER XI PROCEDURE FOR INTERPELLATION OF MARITIME LIENS CHAPTER XII SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISION CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to safeguarding the rights in litigation of the parties 在各方的诉讼 to maritime cases and ensuring that the people's courts can ascertain the facts, establish 分清 the liabilities, properly apply the laws and promptly hear and determine maritime cases. Article 2 The Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and this Law shall apply to maritime actions brought in the People's Republic of China. Where the provisions of this Law are applicable, such provisions shall prevail. Article 3 Where international conventions entered into or acceded to 缔结或者参加 by the People's Republic of China have provisions concerning foreign-related maritime actions 涉外海事诉讼 which are different from those contained in the Civil Procedure law of the People's Republic of China and this Law, the provisions of such international conventions shall apply except those on which the People's Republic of China has made reservations. Article 4 Maritime courts shall