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文档介绍:1 华南农业大学期末考试试卷( A 卷) 2005 学年第一学期考试科目: 数据库原理与方法考试类型: (闭卷) 考试时间: 120 分钟学号姓名年级专业 2003 题号一二三四五六总分得分评阅人__________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions to candidates: 1. This paper consists of6 questions. 2. Answer all questions on the answer sheets. and in the answer sheets, and this paper can be taken away. Question 1: (25 marks) D efine the following terms. Each term is worth marks. a. Database b. Physical data independence c. Data dictionary d. Transaction e. Serializable schedule f. Relational schema and relational instance g. Data mining h. Foreign key i. Functional dependency j. Checkpoints Question 2: (17 marks) C onsider a university database including the following data objects: ? Departments : Each department has a unique id,a name, a location, and a telephone number. Departments employ professor s and offer course s. ? Professors : Each professor has a unique id,a name, a rank and a salary. All professors with the same rank have the same salary. P rofessor s teach course s and advise student s. ? Students : Each student has a unique id,a name, gender, and age. S tudent s enroll in course s. ? Courses : Each course has a course code. Courses also have a meeting day, time, and room. ? Loans : Students can take out a loan to help with their expenses. Each loan has a 2 unique loan id,a loan amount, and the anticipated st