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文档介绍:GRE 考试填空是很多考生比较头疼的部分,因为 GRE 句子填空的逻辑结构的比较复杂,下面 360 教育集团就给大家分析一下 GRE 句子填空方法,帮助大家更好的应对 GRE 考试填空。 GRE 句子填空题逻辑结构更为复杂,需要推导的层次也更多,需要我们多进行 GRE 填空题练****下面为大家从句子结构分析上掌握 GRE 句子填空方法,进行 GRE 考试填空实例分析。 1“ The most important distinction among countries concerns not their form of government but their deGREe of government. ”--Samuel P. Huntington 典型句式: not A but B结构。句子主干: The distinction concerns not form of government but deGREe of government. 翻译:国家之间最大的差别不在于管理的形式而在于管理的效力。 2 McDonald ’s crew members don ’t sit in front puters all day, leaving little opportunity to check balances or make tweaks to asset allocation plans at work. 典型句式:分词状语结构句子主干: McDonald ’s crew members don ’t sit in front puters all day. 翻译:麦当劳的员工不是整天坐在电脑前,工作时间没有什么机会来检查帐户或者倒腾资产分配计划。 3 He considers how investor-rights gadflies prompted a redistribution of corporate power and charts the achievements of the foes of the German biotech industry. 典型句式: A and B顺承结构组合句。句子主干: he considers A and charts B. 翻译:他承认消费者维权人士在促进公司权力再分配中的作用,并且纪录德国生物技术行业的仇敌的成就。 4I prefer a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. 典型句式: A more than B;委婉表达;幽默表达句子主干: I prefer a wife who understands something. 翻译:我更喜欢这样的妻子,她理解我的性需求或许会导致对一夫一妻制的遵守不那么严格(允许我有婚外***的权利)。 5 People who oppose abortion can say that persons have a right to life only if they didn ’ e into existence because of rape; or they can say that all persons have a right to life, but that some have less of right to life than others, in particular, that those who came into existence because of rape have less. 典型句式: A;or B大分号组合句/only if条件句/ say that A, but that B, that C 句子主干: People can say A, or they can say B. 翻译:那些反对堕胎的人会说,只有当人不是因为***行为而获得生命的时候,人才有生存的权利; 他们也可以说,所有的人都有生存的权利,但一些人比另一些人生存的权利更少,尤其是,那些因为***行为而降生的人权利更少一些。 6 Internal skill gaps are often self-inflicted wounds, the unintended consequence of promote-from within policies that have been too strictly applied. 典型句式:逗号解释结构句子主干: Internal skill gaps are often self-inflicted wounds 。翻译:内部技术鸿沟经常是