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rd card. 请填写这张记录卡。
  :一般问诊   1. What is your trouble 你怎么了
  2. When did you come last 你上次来时什么时候 3. Is this your frist time to vist this dental clinic 这是您第一次来这家诊所吗

  4. Tell me what symptoms you have 能描述一下您的病症吗
  5. What did you first notice such condition 您第一次发觉这种状况是什么时候
  6. When did you become swollen up like this 您什么时候肿成这样的 7. Have you already attended another hospital with your prombles 您有在其他医院看过吗
  :口内问诊   1. Frist,I will ask you about your general health and allergies. 首先我须要了解您的全身安康状况和过敏史。
  2. How are your health condtions now 你近期的口腔状况怎么样
  3. Does any of your teeth hurt to hot and cold or do they hurt constantly and spontaneously 您的牙齿遇冷热时候疼还是不进食时也疼
  4. Does it hurt more at night time 晚上疼的更厉害吗
  5. Is the pain constrant or does it come and go 是持续性疼还是阵发性疼
  6. Did the pain extend to any parts of your head or neck 牵涉得头部痛或颈部难过吗
  7. Is the pain sharp or dull Or does it feel like there is a lot of pressure 是针刺样难过还是隐隐作痛,或胀痛

  8. Does it hurt when you chew 咬东西的时候疼吗
  9. When it hurts, how long does it last 每次难过持续多长时间
  10. Do you feel your gums being swollen and painful 你是否有牙龈肿痛,触痛
  11. Have you ever had complications from dental treatment 您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗
  12. Have you ever had complications from dental treatment 您以前对局麻药有不良反响吗
  13. Have you ever had any adverse reactions to a local anesthetic 您的牙龈是不明缘由的出血吗
  14. Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple 咬硬物时,比方苹果牙龈有出血吗
  :口内诊疗常用语   1. Please sit down in this chair. 请