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英语专八改错解题思路 1. 宏观层面分析
carry/get with things –> carry/get on with thingsto let alone –> let alone
in return to –> in return forthe need of –> the need for
substitute A with B –> substitute A for Baccount 70%--> account for 70%
under the grounds of/that –> on the grounds of/that
attitude on life –> attitude towards/to life
in a quick speed –> at a quick speedwith many respects –> in many respects
at the face of –> in the face(s) ofconsiderations to…–> considerations for…
bee victims of … --> bee victims to …ride in a train –> ride on a train
the problems with the government –> the problems for the government
resistive against –> resistive toresistance of –> resistance to
embark sth –> embark on sthwith the belief that –> in the belief that
at advance of sth –> in advance of sthinterpret… to –> interpret… as
in line to –> in line withto varing degrees –> in varing degrees
take pride of –> take pride inleap out to me –> leap out at me
inject them lethal strains –> inject them with lethal strains
charge himwiththe same price –> charge him the same


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