文档介绍:1 常州机电职业技术学院设计说明书题目:连接套加工工艺及夹具设计姓名: 学号: 年级: 专业: 学生类别: 指导教师: 教学单位: 2 摘要本文是对连接套零件加工应用及加工的工艺性分析,主要包括对零件图的分析、毛坯的选择、零件的装夹、工艺路线的制订、刀具的选择、切削用量的确定、加工工艺文件的填写。选择正确的加工方法,设计合理的加工工艺过程。,其中,使用范围最广的通用夹具,规格尺寸多已标准化,并且有专业的工厂进行生产。而广泛用于批量生产,专为某工件加工工序服务的专用夹具, 则需要各制造厂根据工件加工工艺自行设计制造。本论文夹具设计的主要内容是设计钻孔夹具及铣床夹具。关键词: 连接套,加工工艺,加工方法,工艺文件,夹具 3 Abstract This paper is analysis of connect parts processing the application and processing of the process, including the choice of the parts diagram analysis, the semifinished materials, parts of the clamping, process of making, tool selection, cutting the amount of determination, the process file to fill. Choose the correct processing method, design reasonable processing technology. In addition to the two parts of the process of the design of the special fixture. There are many types of machine tools, including the use of the most widely used universal fixture, standard size has been standardized, and a professional factory for production. And it is widely used in mass production, and it isa special fixture for the service ofa particular workpiece. The main content of this paper is the design of drilling fixture and milling fixture. Key words: scaffold, processing technology, processing method, process documentation, fixture 4 目录摘要·············································································································· 2 ABSTRACT ······································································································· 3 前言·······························································