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FEM in Geotech Engineering.ppt

上传人:yzhlya 2017/2/17 文件大小:490 KB


FEM in Geotech Engineering.ppt



文档介绍:Finite Element Method in Finite Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Short Course putational Geotechnics + Dynamics Short Course putational Geotechnics + Dynamics Boulder, Colorado Boulder, Colorado January 5-8, 2004 January 5-8, 2004 Stein Sture Professor of Civil Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder Contents Contents ?? Steps in the FE Method Steps in the FE Method ?? Introduction to FEM for Deformation Analysis Introduction to FEM for Deformation Analysis ?? Discretization of a Continuum Discretization of a Continuum ?? Elements Elements ?? Strains Strains ?? Stresses, Constitutive Relations Stresses, Constitutive Relations ?? Hooke Hooke ’’ s Law s Law ?? Formulation of Stiffness Matrix Formulation of Stiffness Matrix ?? Solution of Equations Solution of putational Geotechnics Finite Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering Steps in the FE Method Steps in the FE Method 1. 1. Establishment of stiffness relations for each element. Material properties Establishment of stiffness relations for each element. Material properties and equilibrium conditions for each element are used in this and equilibrium conditions for each element are used in this establishment. establishment. 2. 2. Enforcement patibility, . the elements are connected. Enforcement patibility, . the elements are connected. 3. 3. Enforcement of equilibrium conditions for the whole structure, in the Enforcement of equilibrium conditions for the whole structure, in the present case for the nodal points. present case for the nodal points. 4. 4. By means of 2. And 3. the system of equations is constructed for the By means of 2. And 3. the system of equations is constructed for the whole structure. This step is called assembling. whole structure. This step is called assembling. 5. 5. In order to solve the system of equations for the whole structure, the In order to solve the system of equations for the whole structure, the boundary conditions