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文档介绍:上海德兼化工有限公司第一篇:水压测试用防锈缓蚀剂--------- 说明书 CS-C multi-function aqueous rust inhibitor CS-C multi-function aqueous rust remover is to anic, anic and so on the many kinds of chemical raw materials synthesis refined but e, the steel, iron, copper, aluminum and other metal has good rust corrosion inhibition. A, product usage Widely used in electric power, chemical industry, automobile manufacturing, military industry, shipbuilding aerospace, mechanical processing, instrument and meter, tools, finished products, semi-finished products, metal surface and the short-term, long-term rust. The CS-Cmulti-function water rust corrosion and rust prevention effect is excellent. 上海德兼化工有限公司 Facilitate the subsequent processing, no sticky phenomenon. Second, product usage CS-Cmulti-function aqueous rust inhibitor can use full immersion, cold coat, soak, spraying operation, short term antirust for 6 months, 1 year, between process dilution antirust 7 to 10 days, with the CS-Cmultifunction antirust antirust the product can be in the steel surface formation continuous pact protective film to isolate effectively oxygen in air and water vapour and steel surface contact to long-term rust purpose, to ensure that the steel basic nature is changeless, when users don't need to remove can proceed to the next procedure assembly. Keep storage: CS-Cmulti-function rust preventive for liquid products, packed in tran


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