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the second women.ppt

上传人:xxj16588 2017/2/18 文件大小:720 KB


the second women.ppt



文档介绍:Members: 丁颖马倩倩覃生胜孙霞 contents ? The definition of the women ’ s movement ? The history of the women ’ s movement ? The second women ’ s movement ? The influences of the second women ’s movement ? Conclusion The definition The women ’s movement (also known as the Feminst Movement , Women's Liberation , or Women's Lib ) is a series of campaigns on issues such as reproductive rights , domestic violence , maternity leave , equal pay , voting rights , sexual harassment , and sexual violence . The goals of the movement vary from country to country, . opposition to female genital cutting in Sudan, or to the glass ceiling in Western countries The history The history of the modern feminist movement is divided into three “ waves ”. Each is described as dealing with different aspects of the same feminist issues : ? The first wave refers to the movement of the 19th through early 20th centuries, which dealt mainly with suffrage .? The second wave (1960s-1980s) dealt with the inequality of laws, as well as cultural inequalities. ? The third wave of feminism (late 1980s-early 2000s), is seen as both a continuation and a response to the perceived failures of the second wave. ? Some now believe as of 2010, we are in a fourth wave of feminism. The second women ’ s movement The second women ’ s movement in the 1960s was started by three groups of women and an accident. 1. The first was a group of professional women who were appointed to mission on the Status of Women by President Kennedy in 1961. 2. The second group were mostly white housewives and mothers who read Betty Friedan's book, The Feminine Mystique , published in 1963. These two groups formed the anization for women (NOW )in 1966. 3. The third group were young activists in the civil rights and anti-war movements. They believed the male leaders of these movements were discriminating against women in the movement. 4. The accident was a w


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