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文档介绍:精诚翻译五周年五折优惠中 5 年经验! 先翻译后付费学生客户送 50 元优惠券, 可以搜索精诚翻译或 50 元翻译 Analysis prehension Barriers of Business English Listening and Countermeasures Chapter 1 Analysis on reasons for barriers of business english listening linguistical listening obstacle prehension isa process of language information decoding and significance construction, so language knowledge is the most fundamental factor affecting listening process. Without speech perception, certain vocabulary and grammar knowledge, or extensive knowledgeon English cultural background , prehension is not possible. . Voice obstacle Most self-taught students have left school and worked for some time, they remember little English knowledge that they learned in junior high school and senior high school. In secondary school, due to the influences of traditional grammar teaching method and exam-oriented education, teachers generally pay little attention to intonation and speech knowledge, students are in lack of formal training in tone and sound. Coupled with the impact of regional pronunciation, students don't have standard pronunciation, it is difficult for them to understand standard pronunciation. Lack of discrimination ability in sound mixing lead to misunderstanding or error in meaning of word or sentence; The differences between American English and British English, and heavy (weak) reading, continuion, assimilation, loss of


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