文档介绍:1 The 13th tip of DB Query Analyzer, powerful processing EXCEL file MA Gen feng (Guangdong Unitoll Services incorporated, Guangzhou 510300) Abstract It‘s very powerful for DB Query Analyzer in EXCEL file process ing .I’ ll give you a sample to show its powerful fun ction. Please make sure that column name coinciding with the data should be included in the first row in EXCEL file. From , the table name will be enclosed in sq u are bracket automatically by DB Query Analyzer while accessing the ODBC Data source based on MS EXCEL. Key words DB Query Analyzer 1 Brief introduction of DB Query Analzyer DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Gen feng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named ‘ DB Query Analyzer ’ and Simplified Chinese version named ‘万能数据库查询分析器( DB 查询分析器) ’. DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in the world for its’ powerful function, friendly interface, easy operation and applicability to every production of RDBMS. It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results toa grid or free-form text ora file, retrieve ODBC driver information, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more. Achievement of DB Query Analyzer In the New products & Tools reviews of programmer second issue of 2007, DB Query Analyzer had been strongly mended. Now the Simplified Chinese version of DB Query Analyzer is the top 50 database application software in the famous software website http://xiazai./download_order/ . In most case it lies the top 20 and it has been download more than 95 ,000 times. By April 17st, 2013, you ’ ll get million results if you search ‘万能数据库查询分析器’ in . By April 17st, 2013, you ’ ll get million results if you search ‘ DB 查询分析器’ in 2 and you ’ ll get million results if you search ‘ DB Query Analyzer ’ in By April 17st, 2013, you ’ ll get million results if you search ‘ DB 查询分析器’ in and you ’ ll get million results