那个房间乌云密布,终于再见。打包走人,不想转身,回头,本没有什么可以带走的,因此也没什么可以落下的。可我到底不够豁达,还是忍不住环视一周,眼角处瞥见几页稿纸,拿起阅读,是几年前自己做的英语课前演示,选择的主题是奥黛ntil Dark ,robin and Marian .Today with the selection I have made ,and which I think is the most representative pieces of Audrey Hepburn ‘s life ,I’d like to intive you all with me to recall and re-appreciate the star journey and outstanding life of Audrey Hepburn .(精品文档请下载)
 ①     罗马假日       Roman Holiday
    To understand Audrey Hepburn and her career ,Roman Holiday is a film you shall know first before all others ,it is the masterpiece of her works ,and it truly deserves to be one. With this film ,Hepburn won the 26th Oscar’s Best Actress Award .(精品文档请下载)
     Roman holiday is about such a story .
     The princess in roman holiday insisted to cut off her beautiful hair ,this small change in reality affected the whole word, now let’s find out how to cut a Hepburn's hair 。(精品文档请下载)
②     龙凤配       Sabrina